Nine Heavens Press

Undying Corruption Player's Guide: Softcover


Scheming nobles wake the restless dead, besieging innocents. Welcome to Danguk, a land inspired by Korean history and mythology where mortal heroes can ascend to divinity. You are a mudang, a spiritually sensitive being that seeks to maintain harmony between the material and spiritual worlds. What begins as an ordinary request to exorcize a wraith will uncover a conspiracy that threatens to consume the lands in a deluge of malice.

12 new subclasses, one for each core class
1 new mounted commander class: the Tactician
6 new races based on aspects of Korean culture
Worldbuilding of a society inspired by medieval Korea, including all new gods
Many more original villains and big bads with creative combat gimmicks
Plot hooks revolving settings inspired by China by Transplanar's Connie Chang and Japan by KappaChris
Illustrations created by 30 skilled artists from different industries